Monday, March 4, 2013

Chapter 10

That Christmas Atticus had gotten Jem and I air rifles. Atticus wouldn't teach us to shoot though so Uncle Jack did. Atticus told Jem that he'd rather him shoot at tin cans in the backyard than at birds or other living things. He said that he knows Jem will go after birds and to hit all the bluejays he wants, but leave the mockingbirds alone. Atticus said that it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.

Later that day Jem and I saw a mad dog coming down the street. It was odd seeing as that usually happened in summer but we went in to tell Cal. She thought that Jem was just telling a story but went out to see for herself. She ran into the house and called Atticus to tell him. After calling him, she called Miss Eula May and asked her to call everyone with a phone. After, she ran over to the Radley house and started banging on the door yelling about the mad dog. When she came back Atticus was pulling up with the sheriff. They had to shoot the dog but the sheriff wanted Atticus to do it. He was leery, but in the end got him on the first shot. That's when I found out that Atticus was the deadest shot in Maycomb.

Chapter 8

This year winter came in Maycomb. We had 2 weeks of the coldest weather sine 1885, Atticus said. Old Mrs. Radley died that winter. Jem and I thought that Boo had gotten her, but Atticus said she died of natural causes. The next day when I woke up, I screamed in fright and Atticus came. I asked what was outside and and he told me it was snow.

Jem and I went out and asked Miss Maudie if we could borrow her snow. She was more than happy to give it to us so we carried it over to our house. We wanted to build a snowman but didn't want to waste the snow so Jem started the snowman with dirt. After the snowman was formed with dirt, we covered it with snow and put on the face and buttons and made it look just like Mr. Avery.

Chapter 5

This is Miss Maudie. When Jem and Dill would play the game about Boo Radley, Miss Maudie would be my friend. We sat on her porch and talked and sometimes she would let me bake with her. I asked her about Boo Radley and she corrected me by telling me his name was Arthur. I asked her if Arthur was still alive and she said that she hadn't seen him carried out.

This is a bamboo pole like the one Jem used. He took the pole from under the house and stuck a note to it. He was going to try to get a note to Arthur (Boo) Radley. While we were trying to getting the letter into a window, Atticus caught us. He told us to leave Mr. Radley to his business and asked if it ever occurred to us to communicate in a civil way like using the front door.

Chapter 4

By the end of my first year, the Dewey Decimal System was school-wide. I wasn't too thrilled about this because I didn't have any of the other previous methods of learning to compare to. I feel like in a way I was being cheated out of something. Jem was functional alone or in a group, where I was not.

On my walk home from school that day, I noticed something shiny in the knot hole of the tree in the Radley's yard. I went over to investigate and saw that it was gum. I unwrapped it and shoved it in my mouth as fast as I could. When Jem got home and found out where I got the gum, he started yelling at me. He told me that the gum was poison and that if I didn't spit it out he'd tell Atticus. It was losing it's flavor anyway.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chapter 2

When Dill had left to go home, I was quite sad. But then I remembered I would be going to school the next day for the first time. At first I was exrtremely excited. When I got there though, it was nothing like I would have expected it to be. Jem didn't want to play with me at school, Ms. Caroline didn't like me correcting her, she whipped me, told me I couldn't read with Atticus anymore, and said that he was a bad teacher. I got in trouble for telling Ms. Caroline about the Cunningham's and she just didn't understand. When I went home though, Atticus told me about how she's new to Maycomb and doesn't know these things so I could't be too  mad at her.
This is me on the first day of school. I was happy here and ready to go. Now I never want to go back again. I hate it there. I hate Ms. Caroline and everything else about that place.

This is Atticus and I reading after school was over. I told him about Ms. Caroline saying that we couldn't read together anymore and how he was a bad teacher. He said as long as i was good and nice to Ms. Caroline we could keep reading together. So we did.